Release Notes

Release notes for currently supported releases

Use of HEAVY.AI is subject to the terms of the HEAVY.AI End User License Agreement (EULA).

The latest release of HEAVY.AI is 8.0.0.

Currently Supported Releases

7.2.4 | 7.2.3 | 7.2.2 | 7.2.1 | 7.2.0 | 7.1.2 | 7.1.1 | 7.1.0 | 7.0.2 | 7.0.1 | 7.0.0 | 6.4.4 | 6.4.3 | 6.4.2 | 6.4.1 | 6.4.0 | 6.2.7 | 6.2.5 | 6.2.4 | 6.2.1 | 6.2.0

For release notes for releases that are no longer supported, as well as links to documentation for those releases, see Archived Release Notes.

As with any software upgrade, it is important to back up your data before you upgrade HEAVY.AI. In addition, we recommend testing new releases before deploying in a production environment.

For assistance during the upgrade process, contact HEAVY.AI Support by logging a request through the HEAVY.AI Support Portal.

Release 8.x.x

IMPORTANT - In HeavyDB Release 8.x.x, the system catalog is automatically migrated to support the new Column Level Security feature. This migration is necessary regardless if you intend to use this feature or not. Once the system catalog has been migrated in this manner, it is not backwards-compatible with earlier versions of HeavyDB. If you revert to an earlier version in this state, the system will be in an unstable state and manual intervention will be required. We recommend backing up your data before you upgrade HEAVY.AI.

Release 8.0.0

8.0.0 introduces a new licensing version that feature two new types of licenses: Node Locked Licenses and Floating Licenses. Enterprise customers that are upgrading to the 8.0.0 release of HEAVY.AI are required to reach out to the HEAVY.AI Customer Success team for a new license before attempting to upgrade.

HeavyDB - New Features and Improvements

  • SELECT privileges are now required in order to execute UPDATE or DELETE commands.

  • Adds a new "columns" system table that contains information about all table columns across all databases.

  • Adds support for foreign tables that are backed by raster files.

  • Adds a new raster import mechanism that stores raster data in a tiled format. This can be enabled by setting the "enable-legacy-raster-import" HeavyDB server configuration parameter to false.

  • Adds support for column level SELECT privileges.

  • Adds support for comments on tables.

  • Adds support for comments on columns.

  • Adds support for null value filtering on raster import.

  • Adds MULTIPOLYGON to MULTIPOLYGON ST_Contains function support.

  • Improves performance for certain query patterns with BETWEEN predicate clauses.

  • Enables the "use-cpu-mem-pool-for-output-buffers" HeavyDB server configuration parameter by default.

  • Updates the default value for the "ndv-group-estimator-multiplier" HeavyDB server configuration parameter.

HeavyDB - Fixed Issues

  • Fixes a crash that could occur in the load_table_binary_columnar Thrift API when request payloads are malformed.

  • Fixes a crash that could occur in the detect_column_types Thrift API when an uneven number of levels across columns are read for Parquet files.

  • Fixes a crash that could occur in certain cases where Parquet files are imported from S3 with debug timers enabled.

  • Fixes a race condition that could occur with foreign table scheduled refreshes.

  • Fixes a crash that could occur when the ST_NPoints function is called with literal arguments.

  • Fixes a hang that could occur when a "clear CPU" or "clear GPU" request is made after the Executor Resource Manager returns an error response for a previous query.

  • Fixes an issue where certain sorted join query patterns could return wrong results.

  • Fixes an intermittent "Ran out of slots in the query output buffer" error that could occur due to incorrect reuse of the cardinality cache for similar queries.

  • Fixes a crash that could occur in certain cases where the null value results from the ST_Centroid function are passed in as arguments to other ST functions.

  • Fixes use cases where the Executor Resource Manager did not account for result set buffers that are allocated through the CPU buffer pool.

  • Fixes an issue where the use of the approx_count_distinct function could cause a slowdown for certain query patterns in distributed configurations.

  • Fixes an issue where wrong results could be returned due to an overflow when dividing two decimals.

  • Fixes a crash that could occur for certain query patterns with Common Table Expressions that project point columns.

  • Fixes a crash that could occur for queries that specify LIMIT clauses with floating point values.

  • Fixes a crash that could occur for certain cases where the output of an ST function is passed in as an argument to the ST_Contains function.

  • Fixes an issue where the ST_Distance function can return wrong results for cases where a polygon encloses another polygon.

Heavy Render - New Features and Improvements

  • Shader compiler optimizations.

  • Increased default res-gpu-mem value from 385Mb to 768Mb.

Heavy Render - Fixed Issues

  • Fixed shader compiler error when combining symbol rotation and accumulation.

  • Catch failed render result buffer allocations and throw an out of GPU memory error.

  • Fixed an issue that could cause a Cuda Error 700.

  • Fixes a crash that could occur for render requests containing certain sort query patterns.

Heavy Immerse - New Features and Improvements

  • Introducing the HeavyIQ SQL Notebook in Immerse. HeavyIQ takes advantage of the latest LLM (a large language model) technology to turn your questions into actionable visualizations backed by tabular data, all while providing the SQL driving your query.

  • Viridis added as new color palette.

Heavy Immerse - Fixed Issues

  • Fixes dropping of filter clauses from SQL on exiting dash panel edit mode.

  • Fixes cross-filtering on Number chart when filtering on a Vega Combo chart with a custom SQL base dimension.

  • Fixed regression for enabling feature flag “ui/enable_chart_filter_view".

  • Fixed dashboard loading error when switching tabs with a HeavyDB error present.

  • Fixed joined table referenced in a size measure on the Line Map chart.

  • Fixed issue with non-integer operands in modulo operation error for Contour chart.

  • Fixed issue with color range display of filtered values for the Contour chart.

  • Fixed code generation for order of evaluation in map charts using SAMPLE_RATIO.

  • Fixed issue with Pointmap rendering of filtered data.

  • Fixed various minor display and styling issue.

Release 7.x.x - Important Information

IMPORTANT - In HeavyDB Release 7.x.x, the “render groups” mechanism, part of the previous implementation of polygon rendering, has been removed. When you upgrade to HeavyDB Release 7.x.x, all existing tables that have a POLYGON or MULTIPOLYGON geo column are automatically migrated to remove a hidden column containing "render groups" metadata.

This operation is performed on all tables in all catalogs at first startup, and the results are recorded in the INFO log.

Once a table has been migrated in this manner, it is not backwards-compatible with earlier versions of HeavyDB. If you revert to an earlier version, the table may appear to have missing columns and behavior will be undefined. Attempting to query or render the POLYGON or MULTIPOLYGON data with the earlier version may fail or cause a server crash.

As always, HEAVY.AI strongly recommends that all databases be backed up, or at the very least, dumps are made of tables with POLYGON or MULTIPOLYGON columns using the existing HeavyDB version, before upgrading to HeavyDB Release 7.x.x.

Dumps of POLYGON and MULTIPOLYGON tables made with earlier versions can still be restored into HeavyDB Release 7.x.x. The superfluous metadata is automatically discarded. However, dumps of POLYGON and MULTIPOLYGON tables made with HeavyDB Release 7.x.x are not backwards-compatible with earlier versions.

This applies only to tables with POLYGON or MULTIPOLYGON columns. Tables that contain other geo column types (POINT, LINESTRING, etc.), or only non-geo column types, do not require migration and remain backwards-compatible with earlier relea

For Ubuntu installations, install libncurses5 with the following command:

sudo apt install libncurses5

Release 7.2.4 - March 20, 2024

HeavyDB - Fixed Issues

  • Adds a new option for enabling or disabling the use of virtual addressing when accessing an S3 compatible endpoint for import or HeavyConnect.

  • Improves logging related to system locks.

Heavy Immerse - Fixed Issues

  • Fixes issue with SAML authentication.

Release 7.2.3 - February 5, 2024

HeavyDB - New Features and Improvements

  • Improves performance of foreign tables that are backed by Parquet files in AWS S3.

  • Improves logging related to GPU memory allocations and data transfers.

HeavyDB - Fixed Issues

  • Fixes a crash that could occur for certain query patterns with intermediate geometry projections.

  • Fixes a crash that could occur for certain query patterns containing IN operators with string function operands.

  • Fixes a crash that could occur for equi join queries that use functions as operands.

  • Fixes an intermittent error that could occur in distributed configurations when executing count distinct queries.

  • Fixes an issue where certain query patterns with LIMIT and OFFSET clauses could return wrong results.

  • Fixes a crash that could occur for certain query patterns with left joins on Common Table Expressions.

  • Fixes a crash that could occur for certain queries with window functions containing repeated window frames.

Heavy Render - Fixed Issues

  • Fix several crashes that could occur during out-of-gpu memory error recovery

Heavy Immerse - Fixed Issues

  • Fixed dashboard load error when switching tabs.

  • Fixed table reference in size measure of a client-side join data source for linemap chart.

  • Fixed client-side join name reference.

Release 7.2.2 - December 15, 2023

HeavyDB - New Features and Improvements

  • Adds support for output/result set buffer allocations via the "cpu-buffer-mem-bytes" configured CPU memory buffer pool. This feature can be enabled using the "use-cpu-mem-pool-for-output-buffers" server configuration parameter.

  • Adds a "ndv-group-estimator-multiplier" server configuration parameter that determines how the number of unique groups are estimated for specific query patterns.

  • Adds "default-cpu-slab-size" and "default-gpu-slab-size" server configuration parameters that are used to determine the default slab allocation size. The default size was previously based on the "max-cpu-slab-size" and "max-gpu-slab-size" configuration parameters.

  • Improves memory utilization when querying the "dashboards" system table.

  • Improves memory utilization in certain cases where queries are retried on CPU.

  • Improves error messages that are returned for some unsupported correlated subquery use cases.

HeavyDB - Fixed Issues

  • Fixes an issue where allocations could go beyond the configured "cpu-buffer-mem-bytes" value when fetching table chunks.

  • Fixes a crash that could occur when executing concurrent sort queries.

  • Fixes a crash that could occur when invalid geometry literals are passed to ST functions.

Heavy Immerse - Fixed Issues

Fix for rendering a gauge chart using a parameterized source (join sources, custom sources).

Release 7.2.1 - December 4, 2023

HeavyDB - New Features and Improvements

  • Improves instrumentation around Parquet import and HeavyConnect.

HeavyDB - Fixed Issues

  • Fixes a crash that could occur for join queries that result in many bounding box overlaps.

  • Fixes a crash that could occur in certain cases for queries containing an IN operator with a subquery parameter.

  • Fixes an issue where the ST_POINTN function could return wrong results when called with negative indexes.

  • Fixes an issue where a hang could occur while parsing a complex query.

Heavy Render - Fixed Issues

  • Fixed error when setting render-mem-bytes greater than 4gb.

Heavy Immerse - Fixed Issues

  • Clamp contour interval size on the Contour Chart to prevent a modulo operation error.

  • Filter outlier values in the Contour Chart that skew color range.

  • Fixed sample ratio query ordering to address a pointmap rendering issue.

  • Fixed layer naming in the Hide Layer menu.

Release 7.2.0 - November 16, 2023

HeavyDB - New Features and Improvements

  • Adds support for URL_ENCODE, URL_DECODE, REGEXP_COUNT, and HASH string functions.

  • Enables log based system tables by default.

  • Adds support for log based system tables auto refresh behind a flag (Beta).

  • Improves the pre-flight query row count estimation process for projection queries without filters.

  • Improves the performance of the LIKE operator.

HeavyDB - Fixed Issues


  • Fixes errors that could occur when the REPLACE clause is applied to SQL DDL commands that do not support it.

  • Fixes an issue where the HeavyDB startup script could ignore command line arguments in certain cases.

  • Fixes a crash that could occur when requests were made to the detect_column_types API for Parquet files containing list columns.

  • Fixes a crash that could occur in heavysql when the \detect command is executed for Parquet files containing string list columns.

  • Fixes a crash that could occur when attempting to cast to text column types in SELECT queries.

  • Fixes a crash that could occur in certain cases where window functions were called with literal arguments.

  • Fixes a crash that could occur when executing the ENCODE_TEXT function on NULL values.

  • Fixes an issue where queries involving temporary tables could return wrong results due to incorrect cache invalidation.


  • Fixes an issue where the ST_Distance function could return wrong results when at least one of its arguments is NULL.

  • Fixes an issue where the ST_Point function could return wrong results when the "y" argument is NULL.

  • Fixes an issue where the ST_NPoints function could return wrong results for NULL geometries.

  • Fixes a crash that could occur when the ST_PointN function is called with out-of-bounds index values.

  • Fixes an issue where the ST_Intersects and ST_Contains functions could incorrectly result in loop joins based on table order.

  • Fixes an issue where the ST_Transform function could return wrong results for NULL geometries.

  • Fixes an error that could occur for tables with polygon columns created from the output of user-defined table functions.

Heavy Immerse - New Features and Improvements

  • [Beta] Geo Joins - Immerse now supports “contains” and “intersects” conditions for common geometry combinations when creating a join datasource in the no code join editor.

  • Join datasource crossfilter support: Charts that use single table data sources will now crossfilter and be crossfiltered by charts that use join data sources.

  • Layer Drawer - In layered map charts immerse now has a quick to access Layer Drawer, which allows for layer toggling, reordering, renaming, opacity, zoom visibility controls.

  • Zoom to filters - Map charts in immerse now support “zoom to filters” functionality, either on an individual chart layer (via the Layer Drawer) or on the whole chart.

  • Image support in map rollovers - URLs pointing to images will automatically be rendered as a scaled image, with clickthrough support to the full size image.

Heavy Immerse - Fixed Issues

  • Choropleth/Line Map join datasource support - Significantly improves performance in Choropleth and Line Map charts when using join data sources. Auto aggregates measures on geometry.

  • Fixes issue where sql editor will horizontally scroll with long query strings

Release 7.1.2 - October 4, 2023

HeavyDB - New Features and Improvements

  • Improves how memory is allocated for the APPROX_MEDIAN aggregate function.

HeavyDB - Fixed Issues

  • Fixes a crash that could occur when the DISTINCT qualifier is specified for aggregate functions that do not support the distinct operation.

  • Fixes an issue where wrong results could be returned for queries with window functions that return null values.

  • Fixes a crash that could occur in certain cases where queries have multiple aggregate functions.

  • Fixes a crash that could occur when tables are created with invalid options.

  • Fixes a potential data race that could occur when logging cache sizes.

Release 7.1.1 - September 15, 2023

HeavyDB - New Features and Improvements

  • Adds an EXPLAIN CALCITE DETAILED command that displays more details about referenced columns in the query plan.

  • Improved logging around system memory utilization for each query.

  • Adds an option to SQLImporter for disabling logging of connection strings.

  • Adds a "gpu-code-cache-max-size-in-bytes" server configuration parameter for limiting the amount of memory that can be used by the GPU code cache.

  • Improves column name representation in Parquet validation error messages.

HeavyDB - Fixed Issues

  • Fixes a parser error that could occur for queries containing a NOT ILIKE clause.

  • Fixes a multiplication overflow error that could occur when retrying queries on CPU.

  • Fixes an issue where table dumps do not preserve quoted column names.

  • Fixes a "cannot start a transaction within a transaction" error that could occur in certain cases.

  • Fixes a crash that could occur for certain query patterns involving division by COUNT aggregation functions.

  • Removes a warning that is displayed on server startup when HeavyIQ is not configured.

  • Removes spurious warnings for CURSOR type checks when there are both cursor and scalar overloads for a user-defined table function.

Heavy Render - New Features and Improvements

  • Adds hit testing support for custom measures that reference multiple tables.

Heavy Immerse - Fixed Issues

  • Fixes SAML authentication regression in 7.1.0

  • Fixes chart export regression in 7.1.0

Release 7.1.0 - August 22, 2023

HeavyDB - New Features and Improvements


  • Exposes new geo overlaps function ST_INTERSECTSBOX for very fast bounding box intersection detections.

  • Adds support for the max_reject COPY FROM option when importing raster files. This ensures that imports from large multi-file raster datasets continue after minor errors, but provides adjustable notification upon major ones.

  • Adds a new ST_AsBinary (also aliased as ST_AsWKB) function that returns the Well-Known Binary (WKB) representation of geometry values. This highly-efficient format is used by postGIS newer versions of Geopandas.

  • Adds a new ST_AsText (also aliased AS ST_AsWKT) function that returns the Well-Known Text (WKT) representation of geometry values. This is less efficient than WKB but compatible even with nonspatial databases.

  • Adds support for loading geometry values using the load_table_binary_arrow Thrift API.

  • New version of HeavyAI python library with direct Geopandas support.

  • New version of rbc-project with geo column support allowing extensions which input or output any geometric type.

Core SQL

  • New JAROWINKLER_SIMILARITY string operator for fuzzy matching between string columns and values. This is a case insensitive measure including edit transitions and (slightly) sensitive to white space.

  • New LEVENSHTEIN_DISTANCE string operator for fuzzy matching between string columns and values. This is case insensitive and represents the number of edits needed to make two strings identical. An “edit” is defined by either an insertion of a character, a deletion of a character, or a replacement of a character.

  • Extends the ALTER COLUMN TYPE command to support string dictionary encoding size reduction.

  • Improves the error message returned when out of bound values are inserted into FLOAT and DOUBLE columns.

  • Adds a "watchdog-max-projected-rows-per-device" server configuration parameter and query hint that determines the maximum number of rows that can be projected by each GPU and CPU device.

  • Adds a "preflight-count-query-threshold" server configuration parameter and query hint that determines the threshold at which the preflight count query optimization should be executed.

  • Optimizes memory utilization for projection queries on instances with multiple GPUs.

Predictive Modeling with HeavyML

  • Support for PCA models and PCA_PROJECT operator.

  • Support SHOW MODEL FEATURE DETAILS to show per-feature info for models, including regression coefficients and variable importance scores, if applicable.

  • Support for TRAIN_FRACTION option to specify proportion of the input data to a CREATE MODEL statement that should be trained on.

  • Support creation of models with only categorical predictors.

  • Enable categorical and numeric predictors to be specified in any order for CREATE MODEL statements and subsequent inference operations.

  • Enable Torch table functions (requires client to specify

  • Add tf_torch_raster_object_detect for raster object detections (requires client to specify and provide trained model in torchscript format).

Extensions Framework

  • Allow Array literals as arguments to scalar UDFs

  • Support table function (UDTF) output row sizes up to 16 trillion rows

  • Adds support for Column<TextEncodingNone> and ColumnList<TextEncodingNone> table function inputs and outputs.

Performance Optimizations

  • SQL projections now are sized per GPU/CPU core instead of globally, meaning that projections are more memory efficient as a function of the number of GPUs/CPU threads used for a query. In particular, this means that various forms of in-situ rendering, for example, non-grouped pointmaps, renders can scale to N GPUs more points or use N GPUs less memory, depending on the configuration.

  • Better parallelize construction of metadata for subquery results for improved performance

  • Enables result set caching for queries with LIMIT clauses.

  • Enables the bounding box intersection optimization for certain spatial join operators and geometry types by default.

HeavyDB - Fixed Issues

  • Fix potential crash when concatenating strings with the output of a UDF.

  • Fixes an issue where deleted rows with malformed data can prevent ALTER COLUMN TYPE command execution.

  • Fixes an error that could occur when parsing odbcinst.ini configuration files containing only one installed driver entry.

  • Fixes a table data corruption issue that could occur when the server crashes multiple times while executing write queries.

  • Fixes a crash that could occur when attempting to do a union of a string dictionary encoded text column and a none encoded text column.

  • Fixes a crash that could occur when the output of a table function is used as an argument to the strtok_to_array function.

  • Fixes a crash that could occur for queries involving projections of both geometry columns and geometry function expressions.

  • Fixes an issue where wrong results could be returned when the output of the DATE_TRUNC function is used as an argument to the count distinct function.

  • Fixes an issue where an error occurs if the COUNT_IF function is used in an arithmetic expression.

  • Fixes a crash that could occur when the WIDTH_BUCKET function is called with decimal columns.

  • Fixes an issue where the WIDTH_BUCKET function could return wrong results when called with decimal values close to the upper and lower boundary values.

  • Fixes a crash that could occur for queries with redundant projection steps in the query plan.

Heavy Render - Fixed Issues

  • Fixes a crash that could occur on multi-gpu systems while handling an out of GPU memory error.

Heavy Immerse - New Features and Improvements

  • Zoom to filters, setting map bounding box to extent of current filter set.

  • Image preview in map chart popups where image URLs are present.

Heavy Immerse - Fixed Issues

  • Fixed error thrown by choropleth chart on polygon hover.

Release 7.0.2 - June 28, 2023

HeavyDB - New Features and Improvements

  • Adds support for nested window function expressions.

  • Adds support for exception propagation from table functions.

HeavyDB - Fixed Issues

  • Fixes a crash that could occur when accessing 8-bit or 16-bit string dictionary encoded text columns on ODBC backed foreign tables.

  • Fixes unexpected GPU execution and memory allocations that could occur when executing sort queries with the CPU mode query hint.

  • Fixes an issue that could occur when inserting empty strings for geometry columns.

  • Fixes an issue that could occur when out of bounds fragment sizes are specified on table creation.

  • Fixes an issue where system dashboards could contain unexpected cached data.

  • Fixes a crash that could occur when executing aggregate functions over the result of join operations on scalar subqueries.

  • Fixes a server hang that could occur when GPU code compilation errors occur for user-defined table functions.

  • Fixes a data race that could occur when logging query plan cache size.

Heavy Render - New Features and Improvements

  • Add support for rendering 1D “terrain” cross-section overlays.

  • Rewrite 2D cross-section mesh generation as a table function.

  • Further improvements to system state logging when a render out of memory error occurs, and move it to the ERROR log for guaranteed visibility.

  • Enable auto-clear-render-mem by default for any render-vega call taking < 10 seconds.

Heavy Render - Fixed Issues

  • Render requests with 0 width or height could lead to a CHECK failure in encodePNG. Invalid image sizes now throw a non-fatal error during vega parsing.

Heavy Immerse - New Features and Improvements

  • Visualize terrain at the base of atmospheric cross sections in the Cross Section chart with the new Base Terrain chart layer type.

Heavy Immerse - Fixed Issues

  • Fixed local timezone issue with Chart Animation using cross filter replay.

Release 7.0.1 - June 8, 2023

HeavyDB - New Features and Improvements

  • Improves instrumentation around CPU and GPU memory utilization and certain crash scenarios.

HeavyDB - Fixed Issues

  • Fixes a crash that could occur for GPU executed join queries on dictionary encoded text columns with NULL values.

Heavy Render - New Features and Improvements

  • Improve instrumentation and logging related to gpu memory utilization, particularly with polygon rendering, as well as command timeout issues

Heavy Render - Fixed Issues

  • Fix a potential segfault when a Vulkan device lost error occurs

Release 7.0.0 - May 1, 2023

HeavyDB - New Features and Improvements

IMPORTANT - In HeavyDB Release 7.0, the “render groups” mechanism, part of the previous implementation of polygon rendering, has been removed. When you upgrade to HeavyDB Release 7.0, all existing tables that have a POLYGON or MULTIPOLYGON geo column are automatically migrated to remove a hidden column containing "render groups" metadata.

This operation is performed on all tables in all catalogs at first startup, and the results are recorded in the INFO log.

Once a table has been migrated in this manner, it is not backwards-compatible with earlier versions of HeavyDB. If you revert to an earlier version, the table may appear to have missing columns and behavior will be undefined. Attempting to query or render the POLYGON or MULTIPOLYGON data with the earlier version may fail or cause a server crash.

As always, HEAVY.AI strongly recommends that all databases be backed up, or at the very least, dumps are made of tables with POLYGON or MULTIPOLYGON columns using the existing HeavyDB version, before upgrading to HeavyDB Release 7.0.

Dumps of POLYGON and MULTIPOLYGON tables made with earlier versions can still be restored into HeavyDB Release 7.0. The superfluous metadata is automatically discarded. However, dumps of POLYGON and MULTIPOLYGON tables made with HeavyDB Release 7.0 are not backwards-compatible with earlier versions.

This applies only to tables with POLYGON or MULTIPOLYGON columns. Tables that contain other geo column types (POINT, LINESTRING, etc.), or only non-geo column types, do not require migration and remain backwards-compatible with earlier releases.

For Ubuntu installations, install libncurses5 with the following command:

sudo apt install libncurses5

  • Adds new Executor Resource Manager enabling parallel CPU and CPU-GPU query execution, and support for CPU execution on data inputs larger than fit in memory.

  • Adds HeavyML, a suite of machine learning capabilities accessible directly in SQL, including support for linear regression, random forest, gradient boosted trees, and decision tree regression models, and KMeans and DBScan clustering methods. (BETA)

  • Adds HeavyConnect support for MULTIPOINT and MULTILINESTRING columns.

  • Adds ALTER COLUMN TYPE support for text columns.

  • Adds a REASSIGN ALL OWNED command that allows for object ownership change across all databases.

  • Adds an option for validating POLYGON and MULTIPOLYGON columns when importing using the COPY FROM command or when using HeavyConnect.

  • Adds support for CONDITIONAL_CHANGE_EVENT window function.

  • Adds support for automatic casting of table function CURSOR arguments.

  • Adds support for Column<GeoMultiPolygon>, Column<GeoMultiLineString>, and Column<GeoMultiPoint> table function inputs and outputs.

  • Adds support for none encoded text column, geometry column, and array column projections from the right table in left join queries.

  • Adds support for literal text scalar subqueries.

  • Adds support for ST_X and ST_Y function output cast to text.

  • Improves concurrent execution of DDL and SHOW commands.

  • Improves error messaging for when the storage directory is missing.

  • Optimizes memory utilization for auto-vacuuming after delete queries.

HeavyDB - Fixed Issues

  • Fixes an issue where the root user could be deleted in certain cases.

  • Fixes an issue where staging directories for S3 import could remain when imports failed.

  • Fixes a crash that could occur when accessing the "tables" system table on instances containing tables with many columns.

  • Fixes a crash that could occur when accessing CSV and regex parsed file foreign tables that previously errored out during cache recovery.

  • Fixes an issue where dumping table foreign tables would produce an empty table.

  • Fixes an intermittent crash that could occur when accessing CSV and regex parsed file foreign tables that are backed by large files.

  • Fixes a "Ran out of slots in the query output buffer" exception that could occur when using stale cached cardinality values.

  • Fixes an issue where user defined table functions are erroneously categorized as ambiguous.

  • Fixes an error that could occur when a group by clause includes an alias that matches a column name.

  • Fixes a crash that could occur on GPUs with the Pascal architecture when executing join queries with case expression projections.

  • Fixes a crash that could occur when using the LAG_IN_FRAME window function.

  • Fixes a crash that could occur when projecting geospatial columns from the tf_raster_contour_polygons table function.

  • Fixes an issue that could occur when calling window functions on encoded date columns.

  • Fixes a crash that could occur when the coalesce function is called with geospatial or array columns.

  • Fixes a crash that could occur when projecting case expressions with geospatial or array columns.

  • Fixes a crash that could occur due to rounding error when using the WIDTH_BUCKET function.

  • Fixes a crash that could occur in certain cases where left join queries are executed on GPU.

  • Fixes a crash that could occur for queries with joins on encoded date columns.

  • Fixes a crash that could occur when using the SAMPLE function on a geospatial column.

  • Fixes a crash that could occur for table functions with cursor arguments that specify no field type.

  • Fixes an issue where automatic casting does not work correctly for table function calls with ColumnList input arguments.

  • Fixes an issue where table function argument types are not correctly inferred when arithmetic operations are applied.

  • Fixes an intermittent crash that could occur for join queries due to a race condition when changing hash table layouts.

  • Fixes an out of CPU memory error that could occur when executing a query with a count distinct function call on a high cardinality column.

  • Fixes a crash that could occur when running a HeavyDB instance in read-only mode after previously executing write queries on tables.

  • Fixes an issue where the auto-vacuuming process does not immediately evict chunks that were pulled in for vacuuming.

  • Fixes a crash that could occur in certain cases when HeavyConnect is used with Parquet files containing null string values.

  • Fixes potentially inaccurate calculation of vertical attenuation from antenna patterns in HeavyRF.

Heavy Render - New Features and Improvements

  • Add support for rendering a 1d cross-section as a line

  • Package the Vulkan loader libVulkan1 alongside heavydb

Heavy Render - Fixed Issues

  • Fix a device lost error that could occur with complex polygon renders

Heavy Immerse - New Features and Improvements

  • Data source Joins as a new custom data source type. (BETA)

  • Adds improved query performance defaults for the Contour Chart.

  • Adds access to new control panel to users with role "immerse_control_panel", even if the user is not a superuser.

  • Adds custom naming of map layers.

  • Adds custom map layer limit option using flag “ui/max_map_layers” which can be set explicitly (defaults to 8) or to -1 to remove the limit.

Heavy Immerse - Fixed Issues

  • Renames role from “immerse_trial_mode” to “immerse_export_disabled” and renames corresponding flag from “ui/enable_trial_mode” to “ui/user_export_disabled”.

  • Various minor UI fixes and polishing.

  • Fixes an issue where changing parameter value causes Choropleth popup to lose selected popup columns.

  • Fixes an issue where changing parameter value causes Pointmap to lose selected popup columns.

  • Fixes an issue where building a Skew-T chart results in a blank browser page.

  • Fixes an issue where Skew-T chart did not display wind barbs.

  • Fixes an issue with default date and time formatting.

  • Fixes an issue where setting flag "ui/enable_map_exports" to false unexpectedly disabled table chart export.

  • Fixes an issue with date filter presets.

  • Fixes an issue where filters "Does Not Contain" or "Does not equal" did not work on Crosslinked Columns.

  • Fixes an issue where charts were not redrawing to show the current bounding box filter set by the Linemap chart.

Release 6.4.4 - May 2, 2023

HeavyDB - New Features and Improvements

  • Adds support for literal text scalar subqueries.

HeavyDB - Fixed Issues

  • Fixes a crash that could occur due to rounding error when using the WIDTH_BUCKET function.

  • Fixes a crash that could occur for queries with joins on encoded date columns.

  • Fixes a crash that could occur when running a HeavyDB instance in read-only mode after previously executing write queries on tables.

  • Fixes an issue where the auto-vacuuming process does not immediately evict chunks that were pulled in for vacuuming.

Heavy Immerse - Fixed Issues

  • Fixed issue where Skew-T chart would not render when nulls were used in selected data.

  • Fixed issue where wind barbs were not visible on Skew-T chart.

Release 6.4.3 - February 27, 2023

Heavy Immerse - New Features and Improvements

  • Added feature flag ui/session_create_timeout with a default value of 10000 (10 seconds) for modifying login request timeout.

Release 6.4.2 - February 15, 2023

HeavyDB - New Features and Improvements

HeavyDB - Fixed Issues

  • Fixes a crash that could occur when S3 CSV-backed foreign tables with append refreshes are refreshed multiple times.

  • Fixes a crash that could occur when foreign tables with geospatial columns are refreshed after cache evictions.

  • Fixes a crash that could occur when querying foreign tables backed by Parquet files with empty row groups.

  • Fixes an error that could occur when select queries used in ODBC foreign tables reference case sensitive column names.

  • Fixes a crash that could occur when CSV backed foreign tables with geospatial columns are refreshed without updates to the underlying CSV files.

  • Fixes a crash that could occur in heavysql when executing the \detect command with geospatial files.

  • Fixes a casting error that could occur when executing left join queries.

  • Fixes a crash that could occur when accessing the disk cache on HeavyDB servers with the read-only configuration parameter enabled.

  • Fixes an error that could occur when executing queries that project geospatial columns.

  • Fixes a crash that could occur when executing the EXTRACT function with the ISODOW date_part parameter on GPUs.

  • Fixes an error that could occur when importing CSV or Parquet files with text columns containing more than 32,767 characters into HeavyDB NONE ENCODED text columns.

Heavy Render - Fixed Issues

  • Fixes a Vulkan Device Lost error that could occur when rendering complex polygon data with thousands of polygons in a single pixel.

Release 6.4.1 - January 30, 2023

HeavyDB - New Features and Improvements

  • Optimizes result set buffer allocations for CPU group by queries.

  • Enables trimming of white spaces in quoted fields during CSV file imports, when both the trim_spaces and quoted options are set.

HeavyDB - Fixed Issues

  • Fixes an error that could occur when importing CSV files with quoted fields that are surrounded by white spaces.

  • Fixes a crash that could occur when tables are reordered for range join queries.

  • Fixes a crash that could occur for join queries with intermediate projections.

  • Fixes a crash that could occur for queries with geospatial join predicate functions that use literal parameters.

  • Fixes an issue where queries could intermittently and incorrectly return error responses.

  • Fixes an issue where queries could return incorrect results when filter push-down through joins is enabled.

  • Fixes a crash that could occur for queries with join predicates that compare string dictionary encoded and nonencoded text columns.

  • Fixes an issue where hash table optimizations could ignore the max-cacheable-hashtable-size-bytes and hashtable-cache-total-bytes server configuration parameters.

  • Fixes an issue where sharded table join queries that are executed on multiple GPUs could return incorrect results.

  • Fixes a crash that could occur when sharded table join queries are executed on multiple GPUs with the from-table-reordering server configuration parameter enabled.

Heavy Immerse - New Features and Improvements

  • Multilayer support for Contour and Windbarb charts.

  • Enable Contour charts by default (feature flag: ui/enable_contour_chart).

  • Support custom SQL measures in Contour charts.

  • Restrict export from Heavy Immerse by enabling trial mode (feature flag: ui/enable_trial_mode). Trial mode enables a super user to restrict export capabilities for users who have the immerse_trial_mode role.

Heavy Immerse - Fixed Issues

  • Allow MULTILINESTRING to be used in selectors for Linemap charts.

  • Allow MULTILINESTRING to be used in Immerse SQL Editor.

Release 6.4.0 - December 16, 2022

This release features general availability of data connectors for PostGreSQL, beta Immerse connectors for Snowflake and Redshift, and SQL support for Google BigQuery and Hive (beta). These managed data connections let you use HEAVY.AI as an acceleration platform wherever your source data may live. Scheduling and automated caching ensure that fast analytics are always running on the latest available data.

Immerse features four new chart types: Contour, Cross-section, Wind barb, and Skew-t. While especially useful for atmospheric and geotechnical data visualization, Contour and Cross-section also have more general application.

Major improvements for time series analysis have been added. This includes an Immerse user interface for time series, and a large number of SQL window function additions and performance enhancements.

The release also includes two major architectural improvements:

  • The ability to perform cross-database queries, both in SQL and in Immerse, increasing flexibility across the board. For example, you can now easily build an Immerse dashboard showing system usage combined with business data. You might also make a read-only database of data shared across a set of users.

  • Render queries no longer block other GPU queries. In many use cases, renders can be significantly slower than other common queries. This should result in significant performance gains, particularly in map-heavy dashboards.

HeavyDB - New Features and Improvements

Core SQL

  • Adds support for cross database SELECT, UPDATE, and DELETE queries.

  • Support for MODE SQL aggregate.

  • Add support for strtok_to_array.

  • Support for ST_NumGeometries().

  • Support ST_TRANSFORM applied to literal geo types.

  • Enhanced query tracing ensures all child operations for a query_id are properly logged with that ID.

Data Linking and Import

  • Adds support for BigQuery and Hive HeavyConnect and import.

  • Adds support for table restore from S3 archive files.

  • Improves integer column type detection in Snowflake import/HeavyConnect data preview.

  • Adds HeavyConnect and import support for Parquet required scalar fields.

  • Improves import status error message when an invalid request is made.

Table Function Enhancements

  • Support POINT, LINESTRING, and POLYGON input and output types in table functions.

  • Support default values for scalar table function arguments.

  • Add tf_raster_contour table function to generate contours given x, y, and z arguments. This function is exposed in Immerse, but has additional capabilities available in SQL, such as supporting floating point contour intervals.

  • Return file path and file name from tf_point_cloud_metadata table function.

  • Previous length limit of 32K characters per values for none-encoded text columns has been lifted, and now none-encoded text values can be up to 2^31 - 1 characters (approximately 2.1billion characters).

  • Support array column outputs from table functions.

  • Add TEXT ENCODING DICT and Array<TEXT ENCODING DICT> type support for runtime functions/UDFs.

  • Allow transient TEXT ENCODING DICT column inputs into table functions.

Window Function Enhancements

  • Support COUNT_IF function.

  • Support SUM_IF function.

  • Support NTH_VALUE window function.

  • Support NTH_VALUE_IN_FRAME window function.

  • Support FIRST_VALUE_IN_FRAME and LAST_VALUE_IN_FRAME window functions.


  • Support ForwardFill and BackwardFill window functions to fill in missing (null) values based on previous non-null values in window.

HeavyDB - Fixed Issues

  • Fixes an issue where databases with duplicate names but different capitalization could be created.

  • Fixes an issue where raster imports could fail due to inconsistent band names.

  • Fixes an issue that could occur when DUMP/RESTORE commands were executed concurrently.

  • Fixes an issue where certain session updates do not occur when licenses are updated.

  • Fixes an issue where import/HeavyConnect data preview could return unsupported decimal types.

  • Fixes an issue where import/HeavyConnect data preview for PostgreSQL queries involving variable length columns could result in an error.

  • Fixes an issue where NULL elements in array columns with the NOT NULL constraint were not projected correctly.

  • Fixes a crash that could occur in certain scenarios where UPDATE and DELETE queries contain subqueries.

  • Fixes an issue where ingesting ODBC unsigned SQL_BIGINT into HeavyDB BIGINT columns using HeavyConnect or import could result in storage of incorrect data.

  • Fixes a crash that could occur in distributed configurations, when switching databases and accessing log based system tables with rolled off logs.

  • Fixes an error that occurred when importing Parquet files that did not contain statistics metadata.

  • Ensure query hint is propagated to subqueries.

  • Fix crash that could occur when LAG_IN_FRAME or LEAD_IN_FRAME were missing order-by or frame clause.

  • Fix bug where LAST_VALUE window function could return wrong results.

  • Fix issue where “Cannot use fast path for COUNT DISTINCT” could be reported from a count distinct operation.

  • Various bug fixes for support of VALUES() clause.

  • Improve handling of generic input expressions for window aggregate functions.

  • Fix bug where COUNT(*) and COUNT(1) over window frame could cause crash.

  • Fix wrong coordinate used for origin_y_bin in tf_raster_graph_shortest_slope_weighted_path.

  • Speed up table function binding in cases with no ColumnList arguments.

  • Support arrays of transient encoded strings into table functions.

Heavy Render - New Features and Improvements

Render queries no longer block parallel execution queue for other queries.

Heavy Immerse - New Features and Improvements

  • The Immerse PostgreSQL connector is now generally available, and is joined by public betas of Redshift and Snowflake.

  • New chart types:

    • Contour chart. Contours can be applied to any geo point data, but are especially useful when applied to smoothly-varying pressure and elevation data. They can help reveal general patterns even in noisy primary data. Contours can be based on any point data, including that from regular raster grids like a temperature surface, or from sparse points like LiDAR data.

    • Cross-section chart. As the name suggests, this allows a new view on 2.5D or 3D datasets, where a selected data dimension is plotted on the vertical axis for a slice of geographic data. In addition to looking in profile at parts of the atmosphere in weather modeling, this can also be used to look at geological sections below terrain.

    • Representing vector force fields takes a step forward with the Wind barb plot. Wind barbs are multidimensional symbols which convey at a glance both strength and direction.

    • Skew-T is a highly specialized multidimensional chart used primarily by meteorologists. Skew-Ts are heavily used in weather modeling and can help predict, for example, where thunderstorms or dry lightning are likely to occur.

  • Initial support for window functions in Immerse, enabling time lag analysis in charts. For example, you can now plot month-over-month or quarter-over-quarter sales or web traffic volume.

  • For categorical data, in addition to supporting aggregations based on the number of unique values, MODE is now supported. This supports the creation of groups based on the most-common value.

Release 6.2.7 - November 1, 2022

HeavyDB - Fixed Issues

  • Fixed an issue where a restarted server can potentially deadlock if the first two queries are executed at the same time and use different executors.

Release 6.2.5 - October 26, 2022

HeavyDB - Fixed Issues

  • Fixed an issue where COUNT DISTINCT or APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT, when run on a CASE statement that outputs literal strings, could cause a crash.

Release 6.2.4 - October 12, 2022

HeavyDB - Fixed Issues

  • Fixes a crash when using COUNT() or COUNT(1) with the window function, i.e., COUNT(*) OVER (PARTITION BY x).

  • Fixes an incorrect result when using a date column as a partition key, like SUM(x) OVER (PARTITION BY DATE_COL).

  • Improves the performance of window functions when a literal expression is used as one of the input expressions of window functions like LAG(x, 1).

  • Improves query execution preparation phase by preventing redundant processing of the same nodes, especially when a complex input query is evaluated.

  • Fixes geometry type checking for range join operator that could cause a crash in some cases.

  • Resolves a query that may return an incorrect result when it has many projection expressions (for example, more than 50 8-byte output expressions) when using a window function expression.

  • Fixes an issue where the Resultset recycler ignores the server configuration size metrics.

  • Fixes a race condition where multiple catalogs could be created on initialization, resulting in possible deadlocks, server hangs, increased memory pressure, and slow performance.

Release 6.2.1 - September 27, 2022

HeavyDB - Fixed Issues

  • Fixes a crash encountered during some SQL queries when the read-only setting was enabled.

  • Fixes an issue in tf_raster_graph_shortest_slope_weighted_path table function that would lead some inputs to be incorrectly rejected.

6.2.0 - September 23, 2022

In Release 6.2.0, Heavy Immerse adds animation and a control panel system. HeavyConnect now includes connectors for Redshift, Snowflake, and PostGIS. The SQL system is extended with support for casting and time-based window functions. GeoSQL gets direct LiDAR import, multipoints, and multilinestrings, as well as graph network algorithms. Other enhancements include performance improvements and reduced memory requirements across the product.

HeavyDB - New Features and Improvements

SQL Improvements

  • TRY_CAST support for string to numeric, timestamp, date, and time casts.

  • Implicit and explicit CAST support for numeric, timestamp, date, and time to TEXT type.

  • CAST support from Timestamp(0|3|6|9) types to Time(0) type.

  • Concat (||) operator now supports multiple nonliteral inputs.

  • JSON_VALUE operator to extract fields from JSON string columns.

  • BASE64_ENCODE and BASE64_DECODE operators for BASE64 encoding/decoding of string columns.

  • POSITION operator to extract index of search string from strings.

  • Add hash-based count distinct operator to better handle case of sparse columns.


  • Support MULTILINESTRING OGC geospatial type.

  • Support MULTIPOINT OGC geospatial type.

  • Support ST_NumGeometries.

  • Support ST_ConvexHull and ST_ConcaveHull.

  • Improved table reordering to maximize invocation of accelerated geo joins.

  • Support ST_POINT, ST_TRANSFORM and ST_SETSRID as expressions for probing columns in point-to-point distance joins.

  • Support accelerated overlaps hash join for ST_DWITHIN clause comparing two POINT columns.

  • Support for POLYGON to MULTIPOLYGON promotion in SQLImporter.

Window Functions

  • RANGE window function FRAME support for Time, Date, and Timestamp types.

  • Support LEAD_IN_FRAME / LAG_IN_FRAME window functions that compute LEAD / LAG in reference to a window frame.

Extension Functions

  • Add TextEncodingNone support for scalar UDF and extension functions.

  • Support array inputs and outputs to table functions.

  • Support literal interval types for UDTFs.

  • Add support for table functions range annotations for literal inputs

Performance and Control

  • Make max CPU threads configurable via a startup flag.

  • Support array types for Arrow/select_ipc endpoints.

  • Add support for query hint to control dynamic watchdog.

  • Add query hint to control Cuda block and grid size for query.

  • Adds an echo all option to heavysql that prints all executed commands and queries.

  • Improved decimal precision error messages during table creation.


  • Add support for file roll offs to HeavyConnect local and S3 file use cases.

  • Add HeavyConnect support for non-AWS S3-compatible endpoints.

Advanced Analytics


  • Add tf_point_cloud_metadata table function to read metadata from one or more LiDAR/point cloud files, optionally filtered by a bounding box.

  • Add tf_load_point_cloud table function to load data from one or more LiDAR/point cloud files, optionally filtered by bounding box and optionally cached in memory for subsequent queries.

Graph and Path Functions

  • Add tf_graph_shortest_path table function to compute shortest edge-weighted path between two points in a graph constructed from an input edge list

  • Add tf_graph_shortest_paths_distances table function to compute the shortest edge-weighted distances between a starting point and all other points in a graph constructed from an input edge list.

  • Add tf_grid_graph_shortest_slope_weighted_path table function to compute the shortest slope-weighted path between two points along rasterized data.

Enhanced Spatial Aggregations

  • Support configurable aggregation types for tf_geo_rasterize and tf_geo_rasterize_slope table functions, allowing for AVG, MIN, MAX, SUM, and COUNT aggregations.

  • Support two-pass gaussian blur aggregation post-processing for tf_geo_rasterize and tf_geo_rasterize_slope table functions.

RF Propagation Extension Improvements

  • Add dynamic ray splitting to tf_rf_prop_max_signal table function for improved performance and terrain coverage.

  • Add variant of tf_rf_prop_max_signal table function that takes per-RF source/tower transmission power (watts) and frequency (MHz).

  • Add variant of generate_series table function that generates series of timestamps between a start and end timestamp at specified time intervals.

Fixed Issues

  • ST_Centroid now automatically picks up SRID of underlying geometry.

  • Fixed a crash that occurred when ST_DISTANCE had an ST_POINT input for its hash table probe column.

  • Fixed an issue where a query hint would not propagate to a subquery.

  • Improved overloaded table function type deduction eliminates type mismatches when table function outputs are used downstream.

  • Properly handle cases of RF sources outside of terrain bounding box for tf_rf_prop_max_signal.

  • Fixed an issue where specification of unsupported GEOMETRY column type during table creation could lead to a crash.

  • Fixed a crash that could occur due to execution of concurrent create and drop table commands.

  • Fixed a crash that could occur when accessing the Dashboards system table.

  • Fixed a crash that could occur as a result of type mismatches in ITAS queries.

  • Fixed an issue that could occur due to band name sanitization during raster imports.

  • Fixed a memory leak that could occur when dropping temporary tables.

  • Fixed a crash that could occur due to concurrent execution of a select query and long-running write query on the same table.

Heavy Render - New Features and Improvements

  • Disables render group assignment by default.

  • Supports rendering of MULTILINESTRING geometries.

  • Memory footprint required for compositing renders on multi-GPU systems is significantly reduced. Any multi-GPU system will see improvements, but is most noticeable on systems with 4 or more GPUs. For example, rendering a 1400 x 1400 image results in ~450mb of memory saved when using 8 GPUs for a query. Multi-gpu system configurations should be able to set the res-gpu-mem configuration flag value lower as a result, freeing memory for other subsystems.

  • Adds INFO logging of peak render memory usage for the lifetime of the server process. The render memory logged is peak render query output buffer size (controlled with the render-mem-bytes configuration flag) and peak render buffer usage (controlled with the res-gpu-mem configuration flag). These peaks are logged in the INFO log on server shutdown, when GPU memory is cleared via clear_gpu_memory endpoint, or when a new peak is reached. These logged peaks can be useful to adjust the render-mem-bytes and res-gpu-mem configuration flags to improve memory utilization by avoiding reserving memory that might go unused. Examples of the log messages:

    • When a new peak render-mem-bytes is reached: New peak render buffer usage (render-mem-bytes):37206200 of 1000000000

    • When a new peak res-gpu-mem is reached: New peak render memory usage (res-gpu-mem): 166033024

    • Peaks logged on server shutdown or on clear_gpu_memory: Render memory peak utilization:

      Query result buffer (render-mem-bytes): 37206200 of 1000000000 Images and buffers (res-gpu_mem): 660330240 Total allocated: 1660330240

Heavy Render - Fixed Issues

  • Fixed an issue the occurred when trying to hit-test a multiline SQL expression.

Heavy Immerse - New Features and Improvements

  • Dashboard and chart image export

  • Crossfilter replay

  • Improved popup support in the base 3D chart

  • New Multilayer CPU rendered Geo charts: Pointmap, Linemap, and Choropleth (Beta)

  • Control Panel (Beta)

  • Redshift, Snowflake, and PostGIS HeavyConnect support (Beta)

  • Skew-T chart (Beta)

  • Support for limiting the number of charts in a dashboard through the ui/limit_charts_per_dashboard feature flag. The default value is 0 (no limit).

Heavy Immerse - Fixed Issues

  • Fixed duplicate column names importer error.

  • Various bug fixes and user-interface improvements.

Last updated